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  • Exquisite Speisenkreation

Südtirolerplatz 2,
3512 Mautern an der Donau

Route Google maps

Landhaus Bacher
+43 2732 82937 Compose e-mail Web

  • Exquisite Speisenkreation

Landhaus Bacher is the quintessential elegant country restaurant with traditional, high-class dinner and glassware. Come and savor our renowned Landhaus cuisine while dining in a stylish atmosphere. Enjoy Lisl Wagner-Bacher and Thomas Dorfer’s award-winning creations from one of the best kitchens in Austria. Similar to the meals, the restaurant’s atmosphere is also first-rate – both in the grand dining room and at a cozy place by the fire. In the summer, guests can also relax in our romantic garden under the shade of the walnut trees.
The ten rooms at the Landhaus stand out just as much as our cuisine. Each of them is individually decorated, yet they do have one thing in common – contemporary, dignified comfort. In this context, the country atmosphere is what makes the many small details – which you often only discover upon second glance – so special. This includes one of the most delightful breakfasts in all of Austria, comfortable mattresses made from all-natural materials to high-quality wooden furniture and even the plate of fresh fruit on the table.


  • Gault Millau: 4 toques
  • Falstaff: 4 forks
  • A la Carte: 5 stars
  • Quality Partner Lower Austria

Opening hours

Küchenannahmezeiten 18.30-20.30
Geschlossen um 00:00h

Donnerstag bis Samstag
Küchenannahmezeiten 12.00-13.30 Uhr
Geschlossen um 16:00h

Küchenannahmezeiten 18.30-20.30
Geschlossen um 00:00h

Küchenannahmezeiten 11.30-19.30 durchgehend Küche
Geschlossen um 23:00h

Öffnungszeiten Küche

Unsere Küche steht Ihnen von mittwochs bis samstags von 12:00 bis 14:00 Uhr sowie 18:30 bis 21:00 Uhr und sonntags von 11:30 bis 20:00 Uhr durchgehend zur Verfügung.


Montag und Dienstag Ruhetag.

More details

Service: Credit cards accepted
Service: Parking
Service: Warm meas available
Allgemein: Terrace/guest garden
mit öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln erreichbar