• Schifffahrt Wachau © Andreas Hofer
  • MS Austria in der Wachau
  • Schifffahrt auf der Donau © Robert Herbst
  • DDSG Blue Danube auf der Donau © DDSG Blue Danube / Christian Woeckinger

Ships & Ferries

There is a grand view of the UNESCO World Heritage landscape from aboard the white Danube ships. If you want a box-seat from which to watch the incomparable Wachau unfold with its terraced vineyards, fortified churches and small villages, the Danube invites you to climb aboard. Or to be more precise, climb aboard one of the many ships, excursion boats, ferries or local boats.

Enjoy the diverse landscapes, the artfully laid-out vineyards with their typical stone walls, the broad plains and the precious art treasures on both banks that make this one of the most beautiful stretches of river valley in Europe.

There are several companies providing ship service on the Danube. Most of them connect the towns and villages of the Wachau. For instance, ships run regularly between Krems and Melk.
 A sporty alternative is a ride in a zille, a flat-bottomed boat common to this region. The many ferries are also a fun way to cross the river and explore perhaps the less well-known side of the Danube.

Enjoy your precious time in the Wachau-Nibelungengau-Kremstal region!


Danube Ships & Ferries

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Boat Adventure auf dem Wasser

Boat Adventure Wachau

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DDSG Blue Danube Schiffahrt

DDSG Blue Danube

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Kristallschiff © Wurm + Köck

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Mit dem Boot auf der Donau unterwegs

Zillenfahrten Hartl

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Motorboot Taxi Kapitän Martin Weber

Motorboot Taxi Wachau

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Motoryacht Wachau © Engelbert Maurer

Motoryacht Wachau

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Naufahrt © Lachlan Blair


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