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Welterbesteig Etappe 8: Emmersdorf - Melk
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The surrounding villages of Emmersdorf, unique panorama, the imperial castle Luberegg, and the Danube waterfronts are part of this 10 kilometer long tour from Emmersdorf to Melk (Melk abbey always in sight).
Distance 10.1 km
Duration3:00 h
Ascent177 m
Descent171 m
Highest point382 m
Lowest point207 m
Wachau World Heritage Trail: From Emmersdorf to Melk
The first part oft he stage (Emmersdorf to Melk) leads you up to the village Rantenberg, where you get great panoramic views. Now you always walk downwards further on to castle Luberegg (tavern and restaurant) and also back to the Danube. On the isle Luberegg you will soon reach hydroelectric power station Melk, cross the Danube and enter “Löweninsel” (lion isle) and soon after the old part of Melk city.
Author’s recommendation
At the beginning of Red Cross street a milk dispenser, daily filled with fresh milk, is located. Start your tour with a fresh glas of milk from the nature park region Jauerling-Wachau.
Wachau Nibelungengau-Kremstal
Update: September 30, 2024
Overall difficulty
Derived from the technical difficulty and the stamina requirements.
In case of an emergency call the mountain rescue Wachau: 140
Tips and suggestions
For restaurants and accommodation we recommend „Best of Wachau“ businesses: . You find „Best of Wachau“ members in Emmersdorf and Melk.
Further opportunities for restaurants, taverns and cafes and opening hours:
Tavern Haferkast’n at castle Luberegg: daily from 4p.m., Saturday, Sunday and public holidays opening at 3p.m. (January, February and March closed). Info: ; 0043(0)2752 /71777
For easy and convenient organization of the tours its good to have the Wachau-Nibelungengau-Kremstal application. Just download for Android or iPhone .
Emmersdorf, Marktstraße (market road)
48.241112, 15.336455
48°14'28.0"N 15°20'11.2"E
33U 524980 5343154
Melk, Hauptplatz (main square)
Turn-by-turn directions
Your tour starts at market road of picturesque Renaissance village Emmersdorf and you walk through the viaduct underneath the Wachau train, then left into Rote Kreuz Straße (Red Cross Street). At the next diversion the way lights up right to castle Rothenhof (also accommodation). Now you take the left and immediately after the right into the small road called Waldweg (wood way). After about 250m you turn right again taking the Jägersteig (hunters track) and leave the village. Via pathes passing woods and meadows you reach Rantenberg. To your left you pass a fence where you normally can see donkeys, then you walk on and at the street you turn left an reach the stamp sation (at family Schroll, Wachau donkey adventures). Staying on the right side you cross the hamlet (only a few houses). After the last house in Rantenberg you turn left into a field track. After about 5 minutes you are at the diverson to the observation tower (Dachbergwarte), which is closed. The way leads downhill to hamlet Hain.
In the village you turn left once and then twice to the right. The way leads downwards, and you walk underneath the Wachau train track reaching imperial castle Luberegg (built in the 18th century). The tavern „Haferkast’n“ ( hay chest ), which invites you for a rest, is located in the castle. At the pedestrian crosswalk you cross the federation road B3, afterwards stay on the right and walk parallel to the road until leisure center Luberegg (there is a Danube lake with a sandy beach - beach use only at low tide). Now taking the left the way leads over a bridge to the isle Luberegg and to the Danube. After the bridge you turn right and walk next to the Danube always walking towards the hydroelectric power station Melk. Via the power station you cross the stream and reach lion isle of Melk. You are walking a short while downstream along the Danube and soon after you turn right and reach the alluvial forest. One more time you turn right pass a boom barrier and get to Saint Leopold’s bridge, cross the road and reach the main square of Melk (Melk abbey thrones on a rock above you).
Public transport
The villages can be reached 7 days a week by public transportation (bus or train). Its possible to get back tot he start of the tour.
Emmersdorf and Melk can be reached with the bus WL 715 with hourly connections, seven days a week. (WL 715: trainstation Krems-Dürnstein-Weißenkirchen-Spitz-Aggsbach Markt-Emmersdorf-trainstation Melk). This service connects trainstation Melk (Westbahn) with trainstation Krems (Franz-Josefs-Bahn). On the south bank bus WL 720 (trainstation Krems-Mautern-Rossatz-Arnsdörfer-Aggsbach Dorf-Schönbühel-trainstation Melk) operates every two hours. Spitzer Graben (WL 718 connection between Spitz and Mühldorf) operates from Spitz departing every two hours
Wachautrain operates on weekends and public holidays (3 times a day) more information:
Stations for the bike rent system „nextbike“ (1€ per hour) are located in Emmersdorf and Melk.
Highway A1 until exit Melk, following B3 to Melk or B3 and B3a to Emmerdorf.
In Emmersdorf and also in Melk at the parking lot oft he landing stage.
48.241112, 15.336455
48°14'28.0"N 15°20'11.2"E
33U 524980 5343154
Get there by train, car, bike, or on foot!
Hiking boots, raincoat, enough to eat and drink, a trail map and maybe a list of open taverns. You can find an equipmentlist on section service/tips.
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Overall difficulty
Derived from the technical difficulty and the stamina requirements.