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Carthusian Museum

  • Kartause Aggsbach Aussenansicht

Kartausenstraße 2,
3394 Aggsbach-Dorf

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Kartause Aggsbach
+43 664 9370444 Compose e-mail Web

  • Kartause Aggsbach Aussenansicht

The charterhouse of Aggsbach is a former Carthusian monastery. It was founded in 1380 by Heidenreich von Maissau. In 1782, it was dissolved it by Emperor Joseph II and converted into a castle. Parts of the monastery were integrated into the rooms of the rectory whereas the Carthusian cells and the large cloisters were razed. A church tower was added to the Carthusian church adjoining the altar area; the church became a parish church.

The Carthusian Museum explains the life of the Carthusians and the history of the monastery. The stations of the cross for the Calvary shrine begin across from the end of the charterhouse that faces into the valley.

Tours of the museum and church on prior arrangement with Christine Nussbaumer, who can be called at +43 2753 83010 or +43 664 9370444 or with the local government office of Aggsbach at +43  2753 8269
Nearby are the Hammerworks Pehn (a former tool smithy of the monastery) and the Steinstadel Mineral Center (exhibition of Lower Austrian minerals).

Opening hours

Ende März bis Mitte November täglich in der Zeit von 9:00 Uhr - 17:00 Uhr
Führungen für Gruppen nach vorheriger Anmeldung telefonisch unter 0664 9370444 oder mail an: nussbaumer.christine(at)
Shop von Do bis So auf Rufbereitschaft geöffnet und vor und nach der Führung von Gruppen.


  • rural location
  • at the outskirts of the village
  • calm environment


  • to the next train station: 13 km
  • to the motorway: 14 km
  • to the next stop: 0.5 km

More details

Toilet facility
Suitable for strollers
Wheelchair accessible toilet facility
Suitable for bad weather
mit öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln erreichbar