• Eine kleine Gruppe von 6 Weinfreunden genießen eine Weindegustation an einem Holztisch im Freien mit grandiosem Ausblick auf Weißenkirchen.
  • Genießen mit allen Sinnen in der Wachauer Stube
  • Eveline Pichler vom Hotel Donauhof schenkt zwei jungen Damen ein Glas Frizzante Wein. Die Frauen tragen ein Dirndlkleid und strahlen pure Lebensfreude aus und genießen die herzliche Gastlichkeit der Hausherrin.
  • Ein Blick von oben auf einen Holztisch mit frischen, saisonalen und regionalen Wachauer Produkten vom Bauer & Wirt Langthaler (Gemüse, Kräuter, Wurstwaren, frisches Brot und geräucherte Spezialitäten)

Best of Wachau

Fine dining of the highest caliber: Best-of-Wachau label

Certified “Best-of-Wachau” businesses have been ensuring top enjoyment from regionally typical lodgings, food and drink since 2012.  They consider themselves the flagships of the region and are synonymous with excellent quality that visitors can see and taste.

This quality label is awarded only to businesses that meet strict criteria in terms of ambience and that take a highly cultivated approach to fine wining and dining. Members agree to preserve traditions and aspects of cultural identity that have evolved organically over the years. Yet they are also innovative in further developing their own products and services to provide even greater quality and comfort.

Best-of-Wachau hosts offer excellent quality and an authentic Wachau experience. Their cuisine relies on homemade specialties coupled with regional products and close ties to food producers in the area. You can look forward to award-winning gourmet cuisine as well as traditional, down-to-earth country inn fare.

Our Best-of-Wachau hosts warmly welcome you to the Wachau, a UNESCO World Heritage landscape.

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