• Blick auf Schloss Schönbühel in der Wachau
  • Der "Wolkenturm": Der in eine Senke eingebettete Bau der Architekten Marie-Therese Harnoncourt und Ernst J. Fuchs (the next ENTERprise – architects) bildet eine Skulptur die gut 15 Meter bis in die Höhe der alten Baumkrone aufragt und unerwartete Ansichten aus verschiedene Perspektiven bietet.
  • Schloss Eckartsau © Robert Herbst
  • Schloss Hof © Robert Herbst
  • Ruine Senftenberg Luftaufnahme

Fortresses & Castles

Take a stroll where emperors once dwelled, in magnificent castles and historical gardens. Or explore the former haunts of noble and less noble knights of old. Travel the Danube between Ybbs and Hainburg and discover a whole series of castles and fortresses and ruins.


Artstetten Castle

High above the Danube, in the middle of a dreamy park, lies the enchanting Artstetten Castle, flanked by seven characteristic towers. Here, the memory of the heir to the throne...

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Castle Aggstein in the wachau

Castle Aggstein

The castle ruins are situated at about 300 meters (ca. 985 feet ) altitude above the right bank of the Danube on an outcropping that runs in an East-West direction. It is some 150...

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Burg auf bewaldetem Hügel mit markanten Türmen und roten Fensterläden.

Castle Greifenstein

In the early 11th century built by the diocese of Passau, was the fate of the Castle full of events.In the 15th and 16th century the castle was several times set on fire and...

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Schloss Marchegg_Störche(c)WTG_nadinechristine__ (2)

Castle Marchegg

King Ottokar II founded Marchegg prior to 1268 by building an imposing fortification complex. The castle was originally part of this complex but dons a Baroque guise today...

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Europaschloss Leiben Luftaufnahme

Europe Castle in Leiben

Built by the knights of Leyben around 1113, the castle had an eventful history and constantly changed hands. The 800-year-old castle towers high above the surrounding countryside...

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Its history begins in the 13th c and is far from being thoroughly researched. Its rooms from the 13th c are unique and boast the oldest secular frescoes in Austria. 
These unique...

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Moderne Architektur im Schlosspark Grafenegg

Grafenegg Castle

Ein historisches Schloss neben einer futuristischen Open Air-Bühne in einem Landschaftspark, eine Reitschule aus dem 19. Jahrhundert neben einem modernen Konzertsaal uvm. erwarten...

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Historisches Schloss mit Brücke und gepflegtem Rasen im Sonnenschein.

Rohrau Castle

It is surrounded by a romantic landscape garden and located on the edge of Leithaauen. The castle has housed the largest private collection of works by 17th and 18th c Spanish and...

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Ausblick von der Ruine Hinterhaus auf Spitz

Ruin back house

The Hinterhaus ruin, first mentioned in 1243, is situated on a rocky ridge and towers high above the village of Spitz. 700 years ago the knights of Spitz lived in the ruins of...

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Schloss Eckartsau

Schloss Eckartsau

Nestled in the midst of the Danube wetlands and an enchanting park, this imperial hunting lodge tells the final chapter in the eventful history of the Danube Monarchy. In 1918/19...

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Schloss Hof

Schloss Hof

Rebuilt in 1725 into a hunting lodge and country seat for the military commander Prince Eugene of Savoy, in 1755 the ensemble was purchased by Maria Theresa, who had it remodelled...

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Schloss Niederweiden

Schloss Niederweiden

The former hunting lodge of Prince Eugene and Maria Theresa is only three kilometres away from Schloss Hof Estate and a genuine insider’s tip. It radiates a unique fascination of...

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Burgruine Senftenberg Einfahrt Senftenberg von Imbach

Senftenberg castle ruins

Renovated grounds dating from the Middle Ages with a fantastic view into the Krems Valley. The imposing ruins of Senftenberg, which tower over the market place of the same name...

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Schloss Sitzenberg-Reidling

Sitzenberg Castle

Four onion towers attest to the formidability of the prior fortress. Four stairways lead to several terraces that afford views far into the countryside. It has housed a secondary...

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Schloss Traismauer

Traismauer Castle

Traismauer Castle rests on the foundations of the Augustianis Cavalry Fort from Roman times. Today’s arcades once contained the stables; the soldiers were quartered on the first...

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