Overall difficulty
Derived from the technical difficulty and the stamina requirements.
Highest point
Seekopf, 671 m
Best time of year
Track types
Asphalt 16.99%Dirt road 10.72%Forested/wild trail 47.90%Path 23.88%Road 0.48%
2.9 km
Dirt road
1.8 km
Forested/wild trail
8.1 km
4 km
0.1 km
Show elevation profile
Safety information
There are no restaurants along the way and also no water source to refill your water bottles. The access to „Hirschwand“ is secured with ropes and climbing systems and includes a short climbing passage. The track in the nature preserve „Steinige Ries“ between Seekopf and St. Lorenz requires safe steps and full attention.
In case of an emergency call the mountain rescue Wachau: 140
Tips and suggestions
For restaurants and accommodation we recommend „Best of Wachau“ businesses: www.bestof-wachau.at. You find „Best of Wachau“ members in Rossatz.
Further opportunities for restaurants, taverns and cafes and opening hours:
The stamp station is located at tavern family Pammer at the main road after the Roman watchtower (Burgus) on the left hand side in Bacharnsdorf. www.zumpammer.at; 0043(0)664/4205369
In Hofarnsdorf/Mitterarnsdorf there is only one restaurant: „Zur Wachau“ family Zeller. In winter the restaurant ist closed from November 8th till March 20th. Otherwise open daily except Monday and Tuesday. www.zeller-wachau.at ; 0043(0)2714/8217
In Rührsdorf house number 17 restaurant „Winzerstüberl“ run by family Essl is open from March till December from Wednesday to Friday. www.winzerstueberl.at , 0043(0)2714/6384
Restaurant/Hotel Rossatz 8 open from Thursday to Sunday from 11:30a.m to 2p.m. (Monday & Tuesday closed, the hotel bar is open on Wednesday) in the evening the restaurant is only open with reservation. www.rossatz8.at , 0043(0)2714/58337 or 0043(0)720/3166440
Poldis cafe (at church square in Rossatz) open year round (only closed on Wednesday) 0043(0)676/6407220.
More opportunities for accommodation are in Oberarnsdorf,Hofarnsdorf, Mitterarnsdorf and Bacharnsdorf, Rossatz and Rossatzbach.
Wine taverns are located in Hofarnsdorf, Bacharnsdorf, Mitterarnsdorf, Oberarnsdorf, Rossatz and Rossatzbach. Several taverns are open during winter time. Please see the current calendar for opening hours (Heurigenkalender) at www.welterbesteig.at.
For easy and convenient organization of the tours its good to have the Wachau-Nibelungengau-Kremstal application. Just download for Android or iPhone