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Steigenberger Hotel and Spa, Krems

  • Steigenberger Hotel & Spa Krems

Am Goldberg 2,
3500 Krems an der Donau

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Steigenberger Hotel & Spa, Krems
+43 2732 71010 Compose e-mail Web

  • Steigenberger Hotel & Spa Krems

Simply paradise! The Steigenberger Hotal and Spa Krems spoils its guests with peace, and comfort in a totally relaxing atmosphere. The country-house style hotel, located high above Krems and surrounded by vines, impresses with its extreme comfort, first-class cuisine - awarded with the "GRÜNEN HAUBE", and its own Wellness oasis.

Zusatzinfos zum Jakobsweg

Wir füllen Ihren Rucksack, wir organisieren Ihren Gepäckstransport.
Kostenlose Abholung vom Bahnhof Krems zwischen 09:00 und 17:00 Uhr gegen Voranmeldung.
(Verleih von Nordic Walking Stöcke, Wanderkarten)
Entspannungsmassagen für Ganzkörper, Füße und Nacken; Weinbäder, Moorpackungen etc.

200 m


  • Radpartner Niederösterreich
  • Organic certification
  • Best of Wachau
  • Austrian environmental mark


  • at the outskirts of the village
  • calm environment
  • rural location


  • to the airport: 95 km
  • to the motorway: 20 km
  • to the city center: 2.5 km
  • to the next train station: 2 km

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