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As we all know, it's the inner values that count. Especially when it comes to food. Gasthaus Jell in the historic centre of Krems is known for its extravagant cuisine. From roasted kidney dumplings with bacon to baked brains with chive sauce - ‘Offal is the centrepiece of great cuisine,’ says landlord Laurent Amon, who has taken over the reins from Ulli Amon-Jell.


A landlady with heart and soul who continues to shape the traditional 16th century restaurant and has made it what it is today: an award-winning restaurant with high-quality Austrian cuisine. The oven-fresh roast pork shoulder with potato dumplings and coleslaw fits the bill perfectly. As for desserts, the pot dumplings in butter crumbs provide the perfect finish. The personal touch of the house unfolds in the homemade jams and pâté.


Culinary highlights on the Danube


‘Rustic and charming’ is probably the best way to describe Gasthaus Jell. The Zirbenstub'n, which has been in existence since 1897, is considered the centrepiece, the hub of social interaction. The guest garden exudes a Mediterranean flair, and it's not just the plants that contribute to this. The stone elements and the sunny location create a Mediterranean atmosphere. And all this in the centre of the historic old town of Krems, which has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2000. A region worth discovering. With the World Heritage Trail and the Danube Cycle Path, the gateway to the Wachau is wide open to guests.

Zusatzinfos zum Jakobsweg

Trinkflasche darf gerne mit Leitungswasser kostenlos gefüllt werden.

ca 200m


  • to the next train station: 0.6 km

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