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schlossORTH Nationalpark-Zentrum

  • Stipfelpfad und Seilbrücke auf der Schlossinsel

Schlossplatz 1 (im Schloss Orth) ,
2304 Orth an der Donau

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schlossORTH Nationalpark-Zentrum
+43 2212 3555 Compose e-mail Nationalpark Donau-Auen

  • Stipfelpfad und Seilbrücke auf der Schlossinsel

The Donau-Auen National Park, founded in 1996, preserves the last great floodplain landscape in Central Europe on an area of more than 9,600 hectares. With its foundation in 1996, this nature jewel was placed under international protection sustainably. Since then, nature has been able to develop here free from economic constraints.

schlossORTH National Park Centre, located in Orth on the Danube, beckons as "Gateway to the Wetlands" - the starting place for getting to know the fascinating world of the Danube wetlands. Everything conveniently under one roof: the multimedia exhibition “DonAUräume”, lookout tower with annual exhibitions, castle courtyard, National Park Lounge, souvenir shop, information service and ticket office.

Experience the flora and fauna of the Danube wetlands up close on the grounds of the Schlossinsel area. Here you can discover characteristic habitats, animals and plants of the river landscape on a tour. The heart of the grounds is formed by our walk-in underwater observatory, the only of its kind in all of Austria.

Embark on a very special exploratory journey with one of our National Park rangers. Only 15 km outside the Vienna city limits!


Prices groups
Combined tour for groups Get to know our higlights! Several multimedia presentations are waiting for your visit - National Park Lounge, exhibition DonAURäume as well as changing themes in the lookout tower. You will be accompanied by National Park Rangers. Afterwards you explore the Schlossinsel area with its specific flora and fauna. € 15.50 per person
Prices individuals
Erwachsene € 9,50, Kinder und Jugendliche (6 bis 18 J.), Studierende & Lehrlinge € 5,50, Familienkarte (2 Erwachsene, 2 Kinder) € 18,- Der Eintritt beinhaltet den individuellen Besuch der Nationalparklounge, des Auerlebnisgeländes Schlossinsel und die Ausstellung "Die Natur belauschen" im Aussichtsturm ohne Führung. Führungen werden am Wochenende sowie an Feiertagen gegen Aufpreis abgehalten: Aufzahlung Erwachsene € 4.-, Kinder € 1.-. Führungen durch die DonAUräume jeweils um 10 und 16 Uhr (noch bis Ende Juni!), Führungen durch den nahen Auwald jeweils um 11 und 14 Uhr.


  • TOP excursion destination
  • Natur im Garten
  • Quality Partner Lower Austria

Opening hours

Opening hours
21 March - 30 September: Daily from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
1 October - 1 November: Daily from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
2 November - 20 March: closed for the winter. Telephone enquiries and bookings only, Monday to Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

21. March 2025 - 1. November 2025


2 November - 20. March: closed for the winter. Telephone enquiries and bookings only, Monday to Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

More details

Baby-care room
Suitable for wheelchairs
Outdoor kid's playground
Suitable for strollers
Regional products available
Wheelchair accessible toilet facility
Suitable for bad weather
Toilet facility
Offers for children
suitable for children