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  • ku000319

Hauptstraße 114,
3400 Kierling

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Museum Kierling
+43 664 6547986 Compose e-mail Web

  • ku000319

The Museum Kierling offers its visitors about 3000 exhibits in 12 showrooms and in the open air.

The Universalmuseum Kierling was founded in 1987 as the "museum of local history" and in the course of its development, it has built up several independent collections which totally justify the name "universal museum". Distinguished with the "Österreichisches Museumsgütesiegel" (Austrian Quality Seal for Museum) award, it houses the world's largest collection of silhouettes by the Kierling-born artist Josefine Allmayer and her father and teacher Hans Allmayer, whose specialities included motifs from the Vienna Woods.

Furthermore, the unique gastronomy collection of the chef and former president of the Austrian Cooking Association, Herbert Hüpfel - an extensive trade collection as well as a local history collection can be seen here, which distinctively shows the town of Kierling as a former summer resort in the Vienna Woods.

The "Wagenburg" is located in the outdoor area with a huge collection of large and small agricultural implements from times when agriculture was of great importance in the Vienna Woods. Special attractions are a feudal coffin carriage and a wreath carriage, as well as the only movable field baking oven from the monarchy preserved in Austria (M1901).

Exhibition themes:
"The Kierlingtal" - Everything from Kierling and surroundings.
"Silhouettes" - Josefine Allmayer and the history of silhouettes, Chinese silhouettes.
"Gastronomie, Gewerbe und Landwirtschaft" (Gastronomy, trade and agriculture)- Everything from the kitchen, handicraft and agriculture as well as the largest cookbook and recipe collection (Collection of Herbert Hüpfel).
"Last movable field baking oven M.1901" from the Austrian Army of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Monarchy and bread baking in the Austrian army from the turn of the century to 1938.

"Die Wagenburg" - horse-drawn carriage and agricultural large and small objects, as well as wine-growing, crafts and laundry in the open air. 


Prices groups
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Prices individuals
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Prices children
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Opening hours

Öffnungszeiten ganzjährig
Freitag von 18-20h, Sonntag 10-12h
Gruppenführungen außerhalb der
Öffnungszeiten können vereinbart
Eintritt frei, Spenden erbeten

1. January 2020 - 31. December 2099



Nach Vereinbarung auch außerhalb der Öffnungszeiten zu besichtigen.
Führungen für Gruppen nach Voranmeldung.

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Suitable for bad weather